Thursday, January 10, 2013

Free Smoke Free Cigarette

What is the fastest and easiest way to quit smoking?
I am having surgery on January 9th, I literally have to completely quit tomorrow. I am on the patch, but I keep cheating and taking one or two puffs every few hours. It only totals to maybe 2 cigarettes a day, but I need to be completely smoke free to go under the anesthesia. I know its easy to say, just don't do it, but I feel like I have no control, no willpower, no anything! I have been smoking 2 packs a day for 17 years. Do I have a chance?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
yes yes yes you have a chance!!! I just quit 5 months ago and I couldn't feel better! my suggestion would be gum, cinnamon has been proven to curb the urges for not only the nicotine, but also food so you won't eat instead of smoking. Also, nicotine urges last on average 8-10 minutes-so if you can take a short walk, clean something, call a friend, just get your mind off the urge, it should pass by the time you have finished your task. Every urge you pass up is only going to make you stronger!! You CAN do it :) smoke free online Smoke Free Smoke Free - E Cigarette E Cigarette Electronic Cigarette E Cig