Thursday, January 17, 2013

Black Devil Rose Cigarettes

Where do i find msn codes for those emoticon things?
i know the heart is (L), cause i asked on here, but where do i find the rest, best answer if u give me a link or type the right in the answer.

i perfer right in the answerm if there arnt allot
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

☇look up the codes here

log on MSN




here you can see all codes

☇here are all of them

Smile :)

Grin :d

Suprised :o

Tongue smile :p

Wink ;)

Sad :(

Confused :s

Disappointed :-|

Crying :'(

Shy :$

Cool (H)

Angry :@

Angel (A)

Devil (6)

Don't tell :-#

Teeth 8o|

Dull 8-|

Sarcastic ^o)

Telling secrets :-*

Sick +o(

Don't know :^)

Thinking *-)

Party <:o)

Rolling eyes 8-)

Drowsy |-)

Coffee (C)

Thumb up (Y)

Thumb down (N)

Beer (B)

Cocktail (D)

Girl (X)

Guy (Z)

Guy hug ({)

Girl hug (})

Bat :[

Cake (^)

Heart (L)

Broken heart (U)

Kiss (K)

Present (G)

Rose (F)

Wilted rose (W)

Camera (P)

Film (~)

Cat (@)

Dog (&)

Phone (T)

Lightbulb (I)

Music note (8)

Sleeping moon (S)

Star (*)

Envelope (E)

Clock (O)

MSN Messenger icon (M)

Snail (sn)

Black sheep (bah)

Plate (pl)


Pizza (pi)

Soccer (so)

Car (au)

Airplane (ap)

Umbrella (um)

Island with palm tree (ip)

Computer (co)

Mobile phone (mp)

Storm (st)

Lightning (li)

Money (mo)

★MSN hidden emoticons★

*9mil →I'M Emoticon (Added in WLM 8 for charity)

('.') →Bunny rabbit emoticon (Added in WLM 8.5)

(nah)→Goat emoticon (Added in MSN Messenger 7)

(brb) →Be right back (maybe he has a beard)

(ci) →Animated Cigarette emoticon (smoking is bad for


(xx) →XBox emoticon (shameless self promotion?)

(%) →Handcuffs (this emoticon has been there a long time)

(yn) →Fingers crossed emoticon

(h5) →High Five emoticon

(tu) →Turtle emoticon (yes, even more animals)

(?) →ASL emoticon (removed in MSN Messenger 7)


Hey, everyone. Today I have Botschafter Vaniila cigarettes, which are now outlawed in the states. Boo, I know. But I managed to snag a pack in the ...