How do you find out what the names of different cigarettes mean? What the flavor is without buying all of them
Kool and Newport are menthol. They come in regular or 100's
full flavor, and lights.
Marlboro and Camels come in full flavor, mediums, lights.
Camels also have a non-filter. They have regular, kings, and 100's
There are many types of cigarettes, in many different strengths. Winston, Salem, Pall Mall, Doral, Virginia Slims, Lucky Strike...
Also a lot of generic cigarettes that come in full flavor, lights, ultra lights--kings or 100's
Hope that will get you started. Do a search on tobacco companies, and you should find all of them.
If you already smoke you know all aobut it If you do not smoke,for pity sake do not start. Lung cancer is a terrible way to die.
Marlboro Red 100s and Cigarette trick review!! Yes i know its the same review about the Marlboro reds, but its better quality and with a cigarette ...