Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby Smokes 40 Cigarettes A Day

Did you smoke all the way through pregnancy?
reason being is my wife who is 30 week+ has smoked all the way through.and ive tried my best to keep her away and we just start to have arguments etc.. and i have now decided that she is weigh more on top of me. just wondering if she did smoke all 39 / 40 week will this make a problem.i have heard rumours that some woman may stop completly after or about 33 week so the last couple off weeks without smoking is this true?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
That's really sad. Of course it's good if she quits at any time during her pregnancy, but the damage has already been done. By the time a woman hits the last several weeks of pregnancy, EVERYTHING is already developed and the baby is just laying down fat. So I'm not sure why you would think that a couple weeks of not smoking at the end will make your baby healthy.

Smoking throughout pregnancy causes asthma and allergies in babies, as well as low-birth weight and premature labor, and perhaps life-long stunted growth.

Of course, you'll hear about women who smoked a pack a day while pregnant and their children are just fine. These are the exceptions. There are many, many kids who AREN'T fine and have had to live with some degree of challenge or another because their mother couldn't sacrifice her addiction.

I know quitting stinks, especially if your wife genuinely enjoys smoking. But I quit the moment I even suspected I was pregnant. Would I LOVE to sit and have a cigarette? Oh hell yes. But would I do it while carrying my sweet little baby? HELL NO.

Hope her cigarettes were worth the health of her child.

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