Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Herbal Ecstacy Cigarettes

Do Ecstacy brand herbal ciggarettes help you with tobbacco cravings?
They taste like crap, let me just go ahead and say that. You'll be licking carpet just trying to get that awful taste out of your mouth. That being said, they don't really help with the nicotine cravings, but they do definitely help with the psychological craving of just needing to smoke something. I believe Freud called this an "oral fixation", if you've been smoking long enough your brain just wants you to put something in your mouth and inhale. I find chewing on pen caps (not the pen itself) helps this a little bit, but I can't tell you how many pen caps i've destroyed trying to quit and never fully did. I think they're more of a gimmick than anything, and be careful with those kinds of things because they're generally not regulated by the FDA (although even cigarettes weren't until very recently) and there is no telling what might be in them. or http Check out Benjamin in his first CNN interview which was secretly filmed by our cameras. Watch this awesome short video ...