Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ecstacy Cigarettes High

Does anyone know if there is a slang/street name for an illegal drug beginning with the letter N?
I think the guy next door to me is a drug dealer, but I have no real proof so the police aren't interested. Just now a gang of about 8 teenagers turned up outside talking about wanting to get some stuff from the guy there, couldn't hear exactly what they called it, something like nandra, don't know, definitely begins with N though, any ideas? (not naan, he is definitely not an Indian takeaway!)
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Nail - marijuana cigarette

Nailed - arrested

Nanoo - heroin

Nazi vitamens - crystal meth

Nebbies - depressant

Nemmies - depressant

New acid - PCP

New magic - PCP

New Jack Swing - heroin and morphine

Newspapers - LSD

Nexus - 2C-B

Nice and easy - heroin

Nick - 0.5 grams of marijuana or 1/2 gram

Nickel - 0.5 grams of marijuana or 1/2 gram

Nickel bag - $5 worth of drugs; heroin

Nickel deck - heroin

Nickel note - $5 bill

Nickelonians - crack addicts

Niebla - PCP

Nimbies - depressant

Nitro - speed or nitrous

Nitrous Oxide - nitrous

Nix - stranger among the group

Nod - effects of heroin

Noise - heroin

Nontoucher - crack user who doesn't want affection during or after smoking crack

Northern Lights - extremly high grade marijuana

Nose - heroin

Nose candy - cocaine

Nose drops - liquified heroin

Nose stuff - cocaine

Nose powder - cocaine

Noss - a term for nitrous oxide

Nubs - peyote

Nugget - amphetamine

Nuggets - crack

Number - marijuana cigarette

Number 3 - cocaine, heroin

Number 4 - heroin

Number 8 - heroin

Number 9 - ecstacy

could be any of those!

Just to Get High by Nickelback