Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ecstacy Cigarettes Ingredients

Questions about a cigarette and smoking?
Cigarette contains chocolate. I'm a choco-holic. Does that mean i am addicted to smoking though i do not smoke? Why is chocolate one of the ingredients in a cigarette?

Do all cigarettes contain tobacco, nicotine, ecstacy? Are tobacco, nicotine and ecstacy drugs?

I am doing some research on smoking and a bit confused. So pls lend me a hand. Thanks!
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
What?! No wonder I have so much trouble quitting smoking...I'm a choco-holic too.

Cigarettes contain tobacco. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco. Cigarettes do not contain chocolate or Ecstasy. Supposedly, the tobacco companies add chemicals to cigarettes to make them more addictive than nicotine alone would be, but I don't know what those chemicals are. Pretty sure it's not chocolate. It's not Ecstasy because that would be illegal. Yes Ecstasy is a drug. or http Watch this awesome short video about Herbal Cigarettes. Herbal Cigarettes are a great way to quit smoking. American ...