Where is the best place to buy Djarum Black cigarettes for under $25?
I'm looking to buy another carton of cigs, but it's been about a year since I last purchased some, and I don't remember what website I bought them from. Anybody know of a good website or websites where I can buy cartons of Djarum Black for under twenty-five dollars ($25)?
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I don't know of anywhere. Djarums are pretty expensive, about 6 bucks a pack where I'm from so I doubt a website could even sell them that cheap. I switched to Zanzibar brand a while back and even those are 5 bucks a pack... maybe you could find those ones a bit cheaper- closer to the price you want to pay?
Most people in my area buy these to feel ritzy of like they have high class. I bought them because I didn't know what the hell a clove cigar ...