Im going on holiday in 1 week, and i can feel a cold coming. how can i prevent getting this cold?
anything to stop me getting a cold....
drinks? medicine? anything!!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
get plenty of rest and eat well and take some vitamin C to help your body fight off the cold.
The top 23 key supplements that can decrease the magnitude of the cold:
1. Zinc- tablets and lozenges are key from the onset. Zicam is also effective.
2. Vitamin C- Ester C is a key ingredient to help you body fight the virus. Take vitamin c every 3-4 hours. Emergen-C packs are great.
3.Echinacea/Goldenseal-bolsters body's ability to fight the virus.
4. Slippery Elm & Marshmallow- helps sooth a sore throat and cough.
5. Oscillococcinum-homeopathic medicine.
6. Stop eating sugar, which impairs the immune system. "There are plenty of studies that show that even a teaspoon of sugar will reduce [the immune system's] killer cell activity in your body for three hours after you eat it.
7. Increase your intake of vitamin C to 6,000-8,000 mg. a day. Reduce this amount if you develop diarrhoea. Vitamin C shortens the duration of colds and reduces severity of symptoms.
8. Drink plenty of water, herbal tea and vegetable juice to hydrate the respiratory tract. Sleep with a humidifier. Minimise or dilute fruit juices, which contain natural sugars that cripple immune function.
9. Take echinacea and goldenseal. Cut colds or flu down to size by using the antibiotic herbs echinacea and goldenseal. Take them at the first sign of symptoms, and use them only while you're ill.
10. Eat warming, nourishing foods such as chicken soup. According to traditional Chinese medicine
, colds and flu are yin in nature, meaning they possess cold and damp qualities, even if you have fever.
11. Eat soups seasoned with garlic, ginger and cayenne, all warming herbs that increase circulation and can ward off colds.
12 .Avoid mucus-forming foods. Dairy products and red meat can worsen clogged sinuses.
13. Boost amounts of supplemental zinc to about 100 to 150 mg. for a few days. Caution: High doses of zinc taken for more than a week can actually suppress immune function.
14 . Get a natural antibiotic effect by taking colloidal silver for infection.
15. Eliminate coffee, alcohol and cigarettes, which make it hard for the immune system to function, especially when the body should focus on getting well.
16 . Take 15,000-25,000 IU of vitamin A to enhance immunity. Caution: Vitamin A can be dangerous for pregnant women.
17. Destroy viruses and prevent cold sores around the mouth by taking an amino acids complex. One of those amino's, L-lysine, works against cold sores.
18. Make an herbal foot bath to reduce fever and fight infections. Pour a few drops of eucalyptus, pine, sage or rosemary into hot water and soak your feet — the skin absorbs the oils' medicinal properties. Simmer a clove of garlic in olive oil until it's infused with garlic. When the oil cools, dip in a cotton ball, wipe the garlic oil on the baby's toes, cover with socks and wrap feet in plastic bags.
19. Nip the flu in the bud with homoeopathic Anas barberai, usually found under the brand name
Oscillococcinum. Take this homeopathic at the very first sign of symptoms.
20. Zap viruses by taking an extract of rosemary, an excellent antiviral.
21. Take Chinese patent medicines such as Shen mai or the herbal blend, Cold Snap, which strengthen the body's natural defences and drive out unwanted invaders.
22. Cleanse your system of pathogens with herbal blood cleansers such as pau d'arco or red clover, which allow your liver to clear out toxins.
23. Rebuild your body's defences by taking a daily multivitamin/mineral.
Lots of rest and liquids are essential for your body to fight a cold. Eat homemade chicken soup- not from a can. Your local thai or chinese restaurant often have the best chicken stock and soup that will help you feel better. Avoid sweets, coffee and dairy products. Drink herbal teas or make your own ginger tea with lemon and honey. Ginger is highly effective in decreasing mucus and phlem.
The best thing for a cold is a salt water gargle and the utilisation of a netti pot or a nasal flush/irrigation. "People with chronic sinus conditions should use a nasal douche daily (netti pot), as it promotes drainage of the sinuses and speeds healing of inflamed tissues."
A healthy attitude also helps fight a cold: think and believe in the wellness of your body and the strength of your cells and they will work in your favour.
Get well soon and have a great holiday.
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