Can you give a lecture on the negative effects of smoking cigarettes, so i have my husband read it?
What are the long term, negative effects of smoking cigarettes? I am trying to help my husband, who has been smoking for 10 years, to quit. Maybe if he hears from others, besides me, it will help.
Be honest, be dramtic if you have to! Dont sugar-coat it! If you can provide links with pictures of lungs, etc, that would help.
Really give it to him! Dont be scared. He needs to know what can, might, and will happen.
Please no cussing though, or putting him down, that doesnt help a person.
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Alot of bad side effects. Quit now and your lungs will start to repair themselves. I hate I missed your earlier question, but 16 drops = 1 cc/ml., 5ml = 1tsp, 15 ml = 1 TBS... Nurse Stay RN, BSN
A stark demonstration of the effects of smoking