Why do some people not understand that obama only smokes to help out with taxes?
Because obama smokes cigarettes, among other things, he is adding to the amount of money the government collects from tobacco taxes which help save the poor people from meanie Conservative who just want to give them jobs and stuff
So why do they go and pop off on obama for enjoying a few smokes when he is helping the country with the money the government collects in the forum of tobacco taxes every time he lights a cigarette?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
What have you read lately about Obama smoking cigarettes? What does him smoking have to do with anything anyway? I don't remember reading anything that said if you are a President, you can't smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes are legal.
Play Tube Trivia, Click here: circleyellowpages.com President Obama hasn't touched a cigarette in nine months, according to the White House ...