What is the little almost invisible band around my cigarette that keeps putting it out?
It's about half way down the cigarette and I smoke marlboro's. It is annoying as hell. Are these the new Obama smokes now that the FDA is regulating and has full control of the tobacco companies?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
It's carpet glue. And it's making a lot of people sick. You have to keep drawing on the cigarette even harder in those spots so you're inhaling even more of the chemical into your lungs. It's bad stuff. They are called fire-safe cigarettes (FSC).
New York was the first state to require that cigarettes had this in them but most other states have legislation for it too:
Obama has done a lot of rotten things to smokers but this one isn't his fault. New York and New Jersey already required it before he took office. All of the laws requiring FSC are at the state level, not the federal level (so far).
I won't touch one of those nasty FSC things. I inject my own filtered cigarettes. I average about $1.70 a pack, they taste MUCH better and NO FSC. To learn more about rolling your own:
Man taught dog to SMOKE CIGARETTES web.orange.co.uk A Chinese man has been criticised for training his pet puppy to smoke cigarettes. Zeng Ziguang ...