Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cigarettes Vs Chew

Why do WWE wrestlers chew gum?
I was watching an old video of Y2J vs Goldberg at Bad Blood, and when Goldberg comes out hes chewing on something. It looks like a cigarette or something like it. Then, Y2J is seen chewing gum right before he re-enters the ring to start the match. Do they wrestle while chewing gum or what? Im just curious.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
some chew gum yeah. lots of athletes chew gum while on the court or whatever..

also i have always thought of it like this. they have to call moves mid match, the problem with that is the camera does lots of close-ups and face shots. if they are chewing gum you can trick yourself into thinking oh he wasn't talking to his opponent he was just chewing his gum.

also it gives them something ot spit out when they get kicked in the jaw haha

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