Can I find organic Cigarettes in a gas station?
So I am a new smoker, I've been looking into organic cigarettes, ones with less chemicals, additive free cigarettes. I was just wondering if I could find any in a shell or a BP, cause I don't know many cigar shops and it just seems easier to pull up to a gas station. Any recommended brands if they do sell them in gas stations?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I smoke American Spirits (Yellow) and have to buy them in a shop that specializes in cigars.
If you are going to smoke, you are smart in seeking out cigarettes like American Spirits. They are still not good for you but ever since I switched to these cigarettes 3 months ago, I have went from smoking 7 or 8 per day to 3 per day.
They are still addictive but I dont find them nearly as addictive as the more mainsream brand tha I used to smoke. I used to have serious nicotine fits but I find my craving much more mellow since the switch. - Try smokeless cigarettes for free today! Smokeless cigarettes work just like a nicotine patch and nicotine gum which ...