Monday, January 21, 2013

Cigarettes Causes

Why is marijuana illegal if cigars, cigarettes and alcohol cause more deaths per year?
There has never been a recorded death from weed sometimes its laced with other more harmful drugs. Cigarettes cause cancer and kill people and alcohol causes accidents of all kinds.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Good question. I don't know why it hasn't been made legal and available for public consumption. The government could rake in millions of dollars every year by collecting the tax that they most assuredly would tack on to on marijuana sales. Once again, you may blame the right wing conservatives for smothering any attempts to legalize it. (Although I think you can still get it in Los Angeles at an authorized "pot shop" with a doctor's prescription.) By the way, a LA Times reporter performed an experiment - went to a clinic, complained up some kind of back pain, the doc prescribed pot, he walked in to a "pot shop," showed them his prescription, and had a choice of a number of different strains. It was soooooooooo easy.

What I find fascinating is that the gov't wants us to believe that they want to outlaw cigarettes because they have been proven to lead to big time health problems - the extreme being death. BUT it will never happen because how would they ever make up for the enormous revenues they collect on cigarette sales? (What's even more hypocritical is that the fed gov't SUBSIDIZES the U.S. tobacco industry.)

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